Kohnkes Own CELL GROW®
Cell-Grow® has been scientifically formulated by Kohnke’s Own to support the very specific nutritional needs of both young horses as well as broodmares in Australia and New Zealand.
The formulation of Cell-Grow® incorporates nutrients scientifically proven to reduce the risk of developmental problems in foals such as DOD, bent legs, osteochondrosis (OCD), joint swelling (physitis and epiphysitis) and other bone and joint issues which commonly cause soundness issues in young horses. Cell-Grow is also designed to support the mare, especially during late pregnancy when the unborn foal requires more nutrients for foetal development and during lactation when the mare’s nutritional needs are greatly increased due to milk production.
Which Horses Benefit
Broodmares, especially during late pregnancy (last 3 months before foaling)
Empty mares and those during early-mid pregnancy
Stallions during breeding season
Orphan foals as part of a creep feed, or those which develop poorly.
Foals, weaners, yearlings and long yearlings up to 2 years of age, or 2.5 years of age in young horses with a health setback which has limited their full growth and maturity.
Major Ingredients
Cell-Grow is scientifically formulated to contain a comprehensive range of vitamins, minerals and trace-mineral which are essential for growing and breeding horses. The formulation is regularly updated to the latest guidelines for optimum nutrition in young horses, mares in foal and with foals at foot.
Blend of cold-pressed, colour coded Supplet pellets separated into 3 compatible nutrient groups which ensures the potency and stability of the vitamins and trace-minerals in the supplement and in the feed.
Highly concentrated bone minerals with high purity forms of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
Full range of potent chelated and inorganic trace-minerals for better bioavailability (degree and rate of absorption)
Fully organic selenium (as selenomethionine) and chelated chromium, copper and manganese as premium forms of important nutrients.
All necessary vitamins and vitamin co-factors in potency protected forms.
Pelleted and palatable supplement which mixes easily into all types of feeds (wet or dry). Reduces wastage from dust, sift-out, sludging and blow away from feeders.
Supplementation Guidelines for New Zealand
Each level scoopful of Cell-Grow provides 60 grams.
Daily supplementation rates are given for the body weight of the mare or stallion, see packs for amounts suitable for individual body weights.
Empty mares and early to mid pregnant mares: 90 grams for 500 kg mares.
Late Pregnant Mares (last 3 months): 120 grams for 500 kg mares.
Lactating Mare (first 3 months): 140 grams for 500 kg mares.
Lactating Mares (after 3 months to weaning): 110 g for 500 kg mares.
Stallions (breeding season): 120 gram for 500 kg stallions.
Daily supplementation rates are given for foals and young horses dependant on the expected mature body weight and their current growth rate.
Foals (3 months to weaning) (Creep or co feed): 90 grams for foals 500 kg mature body weight.
Weanlings and Yearlings: 6 – 24 months of age.
Moderate Growth Rate: 110 grams for young horses maturing at 500 kg body weight.
Rapid Growth Rate: 120 grams for young horses maturing at 500 kg body weight.
Older yearlings up to 30 months of age will also benefit from Cell-Grow if they have experienced a previous growth setback.
Pack Sizes and Days Supply
3.5 kg bucket (38 days supply)
10 kg Bucket (111 days supply)
** Days supply is calculated from the 90 gram dose which is suitable for mares (500 kg body weight) in early to mid pregnancy.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know that the ingredients of Cell-Grow are effective?
Cell-Grow contains top quality, chelated forms of trace-minerals balanced with concentrated, high purity bone minerals. This ensures strong bones, joints and tendons by correcting low or inadequate dietary intake from pastures or hard feeds. The balance of trace-minerals and vitamins in Cell-Grow also help optimum muscle, body and digestive function, as well as overall good health in foals, yearlings and young horses, especially when growth, injury or health setbacks affect their development.
Cell-Grow features the Supplet® technology, exclusive to Kohnke’s Own® with an innovative blend of 3 separate groups of compatible nutrients to ensure optimum potency and stability of the supplement, particularly important for sensitive vitamins and nutrient co-factors.
Why does Cell-Grow suit both breeding mares and growing horses?
Cell-Grow has an innovative formulation based on the latest scientific nutrient needs of growing and breeding horses relative to body weight, rate of growth and age. In both breeding mares, lactating mares and growing horses, supply of bone minerals including calcium, phosphorus and magnesium is highly important. Cell-Grow has a high ratio of bone minerals balanced with optimum levels of trace-minerals, particularly copper, zinc, manganese and iron as well as essential vitamins, which are required for both growing and breeding horses in New Zealand.
When is it best to start my mare on Cell-Grow?
Cell-Grow can be fed to mares at all stages of pregnancy. However, in early to mid pregnancy, a general ration balancer, such as Cell-Vital offers an economical alternative, whilst still meeting the micronutrient needs of the mare.
When the mare is 7-8 months pregnant (last trimester), it is highly recommended to switch to feeding Cell-Grow. During late pregnancy (last 3 months), the foal doubles its size and quadruples its weight. At this stage, the ideal supply of bone minerals and trace-minerals in Cell-Grow is particularly important to fortify the diet for optimum development of the unborn foal in utero.
Do mares need Cell-Grow when on breeder feeds, good pasture or lucerne hay?
Normally pregnant mares, or those or with foal at foot, are fed from a bulk feed mix in large paddocks as a herd, especially on commercial studs. The addition of Cell-Grow to the communal feeders or during the feed mixing stage, can provide optimal nutrition to ensure quality youngstock are produced. Especially important are sensitive vitamins, selenium and chromium, which may be deficient in pasture, hay sources and even in commercial breeder feed mixes, commonly due to heat processing, extrusion or steam-pelleting of feeds.
Lactating mares benefit from Cell-Grow to avoid the drain of essential nutrients as a result of milk production, even when on adequate pasture or with added hay. Supplementation with Cell-Grow provides the premium nutrients to ensure milk of optimal quality is supplied to the nursing foal.
What if my foal is growing too fast?
Foals from ‘good-doer’ mares, orphan foals adopted by larger breed mares, those on lush pasture or fed concentrate feed diets may grow faster compared to an optimum, safe rate.
Cell-Grow features a special ‘rapid growth rate’ dosage level tailored to support body, bone and joint soundness in weanlings and yearlings which are at high risk of developmental problems, such as OCD.
Many years of Dr. John Kohnke’s practical consultancy in studs around Australia and New Zealand, as well as scientific data from leading international researchers, has shown the risk of poor joints and bone problems can be greatly reduced by using Cell-Grow. The Cell-Grow label provides a unique supplementation rate take to meet normal and rapid growth rates relative to body weight and age.
When do I switch from Cell-Grow to a normal ‘ration balancer’?
Usually, once young horses reach 24 months of age, they may be switched onto another Kohnke’s Own supplement, such as Cell-Vital, Cell-Perform or Cell-Ultimate depending on their exercise intensity and future training goals.
Early sickness, such as a virus, poor weaning or difficult environmental conditions, such as prolonged drought, can compromise optimum development in horses. Cell-Grow is recommended to be fed for up to 30 months of age in horses which have experienced a previous growth setback.
What about slow growing breeds, or growth setbacks?
Warmbloods and heavy horses grow slower compared to Thoroughbreds and Standardbreds. For slow growing breeds, Cell-Grow supplementation can be extended for an extra 6-12 months to ensure the strength and development of the late yearling, relative to their size and body development.
Early sickness, such as a virus, poor weaning or difficult environmental conditions, such as prolonged drought, can compromise optimum development in horses. Cell-Grow is recommended to be fed for up to 30 months of age in horses which have experienced a previous growth setback.
Is Cell-Grow suitable for all breeds of horses?
Cell-Grow is suitable for all breeds and types of horses with flexible dosage rates from ponies to large breeds displayed in a simple, easy to read table.
The feeding rate of Cell-Grow is calculated from the size of the broodmare and stage of pregnancy, as well as the expected mature size and current growth rate of the foal. The label includes an easy table with all dose rates which can be followed as the mare and foal reach critical milestones.
What form does Cell-Grow come in and is it easy to feed
Cell-Grow is cold-press pelleted as a blend of 3 separate, colour-coded pellets to reduce wastage by sift-out, blow away or sludging in feeders. These small pellets are well accepted, highly palatable with a subtle vanilla flavour and mix well into all feeds, especially into large communal feeders or a bulk feed mix.
The new larger scoop provided in Cell-Grow saves time when feeding many broodmares or youngstock.
Customer comments
“Well the proof is definitely in the pudding. When I first contacted Kohnke’s Own about managing my then yearling filly, I decided that if I was changing feed and supplements for 1 horse then everyone would change. Gone are the pre-mixed feeds, back to basics- Oats, steam rolled barley, Lucerne chaff and lucerne hay, and various Kohnke’s supplements, including Cell Grow for the breeding horses and babies.
In the wee hours on Tuesday morning, Blayke’s mum foaled a bay filly, 13 days overdue. I was even more excited when the foal stood there with no leg deviations. Blake had been born knock-kneed. I mark this down to the absence of the pre-mixed feeds and being fed basic feed with correct supplements. Thank you Kohnke’s Own.” Sharron W
“I started using Kohnke’s Own Redi Flex on my old boy Banjo with arthritis. I had so much success with him I thought I would give Cell-Grow a go on my 18 month old Qarab filly…
In our first tub she has gone from a 5’0 rug to a 5’6 rug. Her muscle tone has improved out of sight. Her coat is in pristine condition for this time of year coming into winter. She is a happy healthy filly with the help of Cell Grow. I have had nothing but success with Kohnke’s Own products, I would be happy to recommend them to anyone and I myself will be a recurring customer. Sarah A