Kohnkes Own TRIM®
TRIM® is a true scientifically formulated Weight Management Supplement for to help normalize the metabolism in Overweight ‘Good Doer’ horses and ponies.
TRIM is the result of 4 years of field trials and research by Kohnke’s Own and contains nutrients which are often low or inadequate in the diets of horses and ponies on restricted rations.
TRIM is not like other weight management supplements! Many of which act on the hindgut digestive system, to suppress growth of hindgut bacteria or provide an artificial buffer to modify acid balance.
In contrast, TRIM contains specific nutrients which have roles in normalizing the metabolism while correcting shortfalls in Low GI diets. TRIM is especially useful to strip off cresty necks and abnormal fatty deposits.
Trim is especially helpful to horses with a history of laminitis or those developing intolerance to sugar due to Equine metabolic Syndrome or insulin resistance.
Which Horses Benefit
‘Good-doer’ or ‘Easy Keeper’ horse and ponies
Overweight horses and ponies
Horses and ponies with a hard, bulging or ‘cresty’ neck and deposits of tail butt fat or abnormal fatty deposits over the shoulder and wither area.
Show horses and ponies needing to quickly trim down neck fat or cresty areas before a competition.
Hard-working, but sugar-sensitive horses, which need a grain-based diet for performance but struggle with abnormal fatty deposits or risk of laminitis.
Major Ingredients
TRIM contains selected nutrients balanced to very specific levels for optimum metabolism in horses and ponies. TRIM supplies trace-minerals and vitamins often lacking in rations fed to overweight horses, including magnesium, vitamin C, chromium and choline. These nutrients are included in highly active forms for the best absorption and utilisation, such as protein chelated chromium and quality vitamin C from ascorbates.
TRIM is a pelleted supplement with palatable vanilla flavouring which mixes well into all types of feeds or small chaff portions (wet or dry).
Supplementation Guidelines for New Zealand
Each level scoopful of TRIM provides 20 grams.
Provide one dose of TRIM each morning and night for the initial 1-2 weeks, then reduce to one dose per day until optimum body weight is reached.
Long term management at one dose per day may be provided for horses or ponies to help maintain a trim condition.
It is recommended that the dosage rate be reduced to relative to the horse’s body weight as weight loss progresses, following the guidelines below.
Initial Supplementation Rate for 10 – 14 days
Horses: 30 g morning and evening (60 g total)
Galloways: 20 g morning and evening (40 g total)
Miniatures and Ponies:10 g morning and evening (20 g total)
Normal and Maintenance Supplementation
Horses: 20 g daily
Galloways: 15 g daily
Miniatures and Ponies: 10 g daily.
Pack Sizes and Days Supply
1.4 kg pouch (70 days supply)
4 kg bucket (200 days supply)
** Days supply is calculated from the 20 gram dose which is suitable for horses (500 kg body weight) for routine supplementation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Trim really a scientifically formulated product?
Yes. TRIM® is a true scientifically formulated weight management supplement. Years of field trials and studies proved normalizing the metabolism in overweight ‘good doer’ horses and ponies could be successfully achieved through the correct use of Trim. Unlike other weight management supplements! Many of which act on the hindgut digestive system, to suppress growth of hindgut bacteria or provide an artificial buffer to modify acid balance.
Is Trim safe for a mare in foal?
Yes. The research and development behind the formulation means Trim is proven safe and may be beneficial to mares as their insulin resistance increases naturally during the last 70 days of pregnancy.
How does Trim support New Zeland horses on low calorie (low GI) diets?
TRIM has been scientifically formulated and tested in field trials over many years to provide nutrients which are often low or inadequate in the feeds provided to horses on weight reducing, low GI (controlled calorie) diets in New Zealand and Australia
Metabolic function and utilization of glucose in body cells
Regulating glucose metabolism, support action of insulin and control of blood sugars
Assisting the control of insulin levels when elevated due to insulin resistance (IR)
Help the liver break down fats as they circulate after being mobilized from fat stores
Reduced nutrient interaction when added to dampened feed.
Microbial fermentation in the hindgut.
Does Trim supply all vitamins and minerals to balance the diet?
No. Where soaked hay forms the feed base and soluble nutrients are leached out by soaking, an additional supplement of trace-minerals and vitamins, such as Cell Vital®, Cell-Provide®, may be required to make up dietary shortfalls, as well as Cell-Salts ™ to make up the normal content of salts lowered by the soaking. A Diet Analysis service is the best way to ensure you get the best result. This is because all horses should be treated as individuals due to many factors including other nutrients in the diet, genetics and environment.
Do i need to supplement Trim on a daily basis for long periods?
No. Trim helps support a low GI weight reducing or ‘stripping out’ diet to help a horse or pony lose weight. Once a horse or pony has lost weight and its ‘cresty’ neck and tail-butt fat has softened and decreased due to the low calorie diet and daily exercise, the supplement rate of TRIM can be reduced to half the daily starting rate relative to its lower body weight and condition, or even removed from the diet if the horse has trimmed down and the risk of repeated sore feet and laminitis has been eliminated.
Does soaking hay leach important nutrients as well as sugar?
Yes. Soaking hay in water leaches out other important nutrients for normal health and vitality. Kohnke’s Own Cell-Provide and Cell-Salts are highly recommended when horses or ponies are fed soaked hay,
What should i do if the diet is too low in protein?
A non-starch source of protein meal or feed should be included to provide an adequate intake of crude protein. A diet analysis is required to ensure protein is met.
When and how should i feed Trim?
Provide one dose of TRIM each morning and night for the initial 1-2 weeks, then reduce to one dose per day until optimum body weight is reached.
Will Trim make my horse fizzy?
No. Trim contains no additives or fillers to provide energy or weight gain.
Is Trim suitable for all ages and breeds of horses?
Yes. Trim can be safely supplemented to help any breed and age of horse from young to old and including those in foal.
Customer comments
“I started Sr. William on Cell-Vital back in 2013, which is actually the best vitamin I have ever given a horse! I put Sr. William on TRIM every spring and summer when the grass is very fattening. I found TRIM actually helped him loose the weight and he felt much better and alert. I often get asked what vitamins and minerals to give and I can not go past Kohnke’s Own!” Bibi L
“I absolutely love TRIM, it has been fantastic for my mare who can get very cresty. Her coat is also fantastic.” Melissa G
“We use TRIM for our show ponies, they can often get ‘cresty’ or a little weight, luckily with a course of TRIM I can easily reduce their cresty necks so that they are show ring ready.” Lacey T
CASE STUDY example
Africa had developed life-threatening laminitis, but luckily, her owner consulted Dr. John Kohnke and under his guidance her recovery began. Her hooves were iced daily, and she was given TRIM as a supplement to assist in slimming down and to reduce her abnormal fat deposits. She was also given Cell Provide to assist the regrowth of her hooves by providing essential trace-minerals and vitamins which were washed out when her hay was soaked to reduce sugar. Within 5 weeks, Africa had slimmed down and avoided any repeated bout of founder as she recovered. Africa is back in action in the Dressage arena as can be seen on our Trim brochure. Africa maintains good health and condition with regular supplementation of TRIM during spring and summer. Although Africa is still predisposed to weight gain, Deb has become an expert in using TRIM, combined with a balanced diet including Kohnke’s Own Cell-Provide, to ensure her mare remains healthy, happy and laminitis free.
The PDF brochure link is at the top of this list.